Polish Roulette
Austin Dispatches | No. 233 | May 24, 2021 |
"Disasters," wrote theologian Rousas J. Rushdoony, "are often the works of able men who, seeing a problem more clearly than others, try to solve it dramatically, but with the wrong answers."1
By that definition, the clowns who've been telling us what to do regarding coronavirus have inflicted worse than a disaster. Now that even the Travis County power elite is in retreat over the face diaper facet -- while trying to save face after being wrong for so long2 -- the main propaganda line, from our would-be globalist masters to the most suggestible parrot in your neighborhood, is about submitting to injections of experimental drugs.3 This letter to the Chronicle is a great example:
Texas is one of the states with the poorest COVID-19 vaccination rates. There is much consternation about conservatives, mostly men, who refuse to be vaccinated. I don’t share in the hand-wringing. First, this resistance is simply Darwinism in action. Nature is weeding out those too stupid to protect themselves. Secondly, I suspect that most of these people are Trump supporters influenced by his consistent belittling of the pandemic threat. Their hero is a fascist would-be autocrat who tried to overthrow our democratic system in a desperate attempt to retain the office he legitimately lost. His followers are unpatriotic and un-American. The more of them who are permanently erased from the voter roles [sic.] by this virus, the better off our country will be. I just hope we can achieve herd immunity without them.4
Such groupthink seldom ends well, especially for those at the receiving end of a needle.5 Therefore, on behalf of those that correspondent castigated, and in the interest of variety, Austin Dispatches presents some other things to consider about the so-called vaccines.
"So-called," because medically and legally, they ain't vaccines. The drug companies ("Big Pharma") didn't manufacture them from attenuated viruses.6 Instead, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the release of experimental gene therapies under emergency conditions.7 The drug companies have been relatively forthright that their drugs haven't undergone the usual testing, were produced in record time, and may not work.8 They probably figured they could be so honest because they have no liability under emergency-release rules.9 Moreover, we don't know what the adverse long-term effects will be.10 Even new drugs released after the usual testing regimen have a disturbing record of such debilitating adverse effects discovered later.11
Throughout the pandemic, the establishment's pushed these injections as the cure, to the exclusion of anything else.12 Many medical professionals continue to insist, against considerable top-down pressure, opprobrium, and threats of losing their jobs or licenses, that the virus can be prevented with a variety of vitamins and supplements, and treated with pre-existing drugs whose patents have expired.13
For example, Dr. Harvey Risch is an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health, and thus as establishment as one can get. But for questioning the the party line on the pandemic, his colleagues have treated him, not as a member in good standing of the establishment, but akin to a medicine show huckster.14 Dr. Peter McCullough, at the Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center, has repeatedly testified that officialdom's insistence on waiting for the gene therapies instead of deploying those other remedies boosted the body count.15 Regardless, medical professionals also dispute the coronavirus death statistics.16
Great Resets We'd Like to See
Bad as the tyrannical anti-pandemic measures have been on us, we also have the schadenfreude of seeing the local power elite suffer from its own decisions.
The lockdown's first casualty was last year's South by Southwest. Now, a Southern California media venture company bought half the event, whose founding owners also own the Chronicle, which proclaimed the purchase "a vital financial lifeline."17 We can guess how the new owners will feel about it when they realize Austin's normal policies and the lockdown's aftereffects will continue to hobble events, or how the SXSW staff will like serving as dancing monkeys for soulless Angelenos before being replaced.
Perhaps that's why Chronicalista Mike Clark-Madison savages the power elite in his April 23 column, as "... the people that run the city -- and the well-educated, largely white, relatively affluent caste that defines Austin's brand and 'quality of life....' "18 My guess is that prole-looking scribe finally realized the power elite's never going to pay him significantly or invite him to their parties after years of doing their scut work. He didn't sound this agitated during his previous stint at the Chronicle two decades ago. But then the Chronicle, "founded in 1981 and committed to a progressive [i.e., national socialist] point of view," has always struggled to put two and two together.
Speaking of addition, the City bureaucracy now has a "city official dedicated to making sure residents who get priced out of their neighborhoods can seek help and remain in the place they call home." The reasons includes rising rents, rising property taxes, new developments, changing neighborhood character, or "when longtime residents no longer feel a sense of belonging."19 With that criteria, almost everyone now living in Austin qualifies.
The Chronicle frets children staying away jeopardizes Austin government schools, since "under state law, school funding and teacher staffing ratios are based on attendance and enrollment. For every day your kid's counted absent (yes, for any reason), your school loses funding...."20 Declining enrollment means Austin Independent School District is cutting teaching and administrative positions.21
Austin Water officials told the Council they didn't issue a warning before the water supply shut off during the snowstorm because they didn't want to panic the public, unlike what their counterparts having been doing for a year with coronavirus.22
How Many Feminists Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb?
For "Mrs. America," an Internet miniseries about the failed Equal Rights Amendment, the show's creators put more effort into the period costumes and set design. Otherwise, they'd've realized the characters they sympathize with, the feminists, just come across as losers, displaying counterproductive loser tendencies on the self-induced path to losing, i.e., an accurate portrayal.
Lest you think I exaggerate, here's feminist leader Phyllis Chesler, from her memoir of the feminist movement: "Like most women, feminists engaged in smear and ostracism campaigns against any woman with whom they disagreed, whom they envied, or who was different in some way."23
Regardless of its ideological thrust, "Mrs. America" failed to re-create the emotional and experiential sense of people being immersed in politics. For that, you'll have to watch movies like "The Candidate" and "Reds."24 A recurring critique I've read over the years: Hollywood thinks its internal office politics is the same as politics elsewhere.25
Business Roundup
National Instruments, which has never seen fit to hire me, announced it's investing in autonomous vehicle technology, something that sounds increasingly daunting once you consider the details.26 In the real world, last month in a Houston suburb a Tesla's automated features failed, causing the vehicle to crash into a tree, which caused the battery to catch fire, killing the two occupants.27 That's worthy of the Detroit Three in the '70s.28
H-E-B is expanding into Collin County.29
Media Indigest
As an indicator of society's weakening disapproval of marijuana, I discovered a new free publication, Round Rock-headquartered Texas Hemp Reporter, at an H-E-B in Pflugerville.
Neighborhood News
The local papers annoyingly cheerlead for the new soccer stadium, including a perky supplement in the April 23 Business Journal about how increased crowding and rising living costs when I'm angling to leave is a good thing.30
A Texas Department of Transportation truck was involved in an April 28 fatal collision on the Highway 183 flyover connecting North MoPac Expressway.31 KXAN-TV's traffic Web page reported a burst water main at Denton Drive and Metric Boulevard on May 12.
The City intends to warehouse street bums in a development at Rutland Drive and Metric.32 A business at The Domain has filed for bankruptcy.33 Sixteen other businesses have opened.34
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1 Faith and Action: The Collected Articles of R.J. Rushdoony From the Chalcedon Report, 1965-2004, Vol. I: Authority, Humanism & Morality. Vallecito, Calif.: Chalcedon/Ross House Books, 2019: 473.
2 Herman, Ken. "Time to Unmask the Texas House?" AAS 30 Mar. 2021: 1B+; Osbourne, Heather. "Masks Now Only Recommended." AAS 22 May 2021: 1-2B; Sullivan, Beth. "Debating Mask Mandates, Again." AC 21 May 2021: 10.
3 Carlson, Kara. "Use of J&J Vaccine OK'd in Texas." AAS 25 Apr. 2021: 1B+; Choi, Hojun. "Blind, Visually Impaired Call for Action on Vaccine." AAS 27 Apr. 2021: 1A+; Cobler, Nicole. "$1.5 State Ad Campaign to Push Vaccinations." AAS 20 Apr. 2021: 1-2B; Cobler. "State Tries to Spread the Word As Demand for Shots Declines." AAS 24 Apr. 2021: 1A+; Morales, Laura. "Groups Work to Get Latino Residents Vaccinated." AAS 2 Apr. 2021: 1A+; Osbourne. "Officials May Keep Vaccine Portal Open." AAS 17 Apr. 2021: 2B; Schwab, Klaus, and Thierry Malleret. COVID-19: The Great Reset. Geneva: Forum Publishing, 2020; Villalpando, Nicole. "Doctors: Don't Fear Second COVID-19 Shot." AAS 11 Apr. 2021: 1B+; Villalpando. "Doctors Urge Pregnant Women to Get COVID-19 Vaccinations." AAS 19 Apr. 2021: 1A+; Villalpando. "When Will Pandemic End? It Depends on Us." AAS Mar. 13 2021: 1A+.
4 Moser, Chris. "No More Hand-Wringing." Letter. AC 14 May 2021: 4-5.
5 Janis, Irving L. Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascoes, rev. ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1982.
6 35 U.S.C. §101.
7 "We Have Vaccines. Now, the Hard Part." NYT 10 Dec. 2020: A26.
8 Barker, Cyril Josh. "Vaccines, Variants & Vigilance." New York Amsterdam News 8 Apr. 2021: 1+; Mercola, Dr. Joseph, and Ronnie Cummins. The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal. White River Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2021: 232-233.
9 Mercola and Cummins, ibid., 214-216, 239-240; United States. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of the Secretary. Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 2020: 15,198-15,200.
10 Lee, Wen Shi et al. "Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and SARS-CoV2 Vaccines and Therapies." Nature Microbiology Oct. 2020: 1185-1191; Mercola and Cummins, op. cit., 222-225, 228-231.
11 Gøtzsche, Peter C. Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare. London: Radcliffe Publishing, 2013; Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines, and Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality. Ed. Kathleen Stratton et al. Washington, D.C.: Institute of Medicine/The National Academies Press, 2012; Mercola and Cummins, op. cit., 234-235.
12 "FDA Backs off Malarial Drugs." Science 19 Jun. 2020: 1,292; Levy, Dr. Thomas E. Rapid Virus Recovery. Henderson, Nev.: MedFox Publishing, 2021: 13; Rogers, Adam. "Prescription for Disaster." Wired Jan. 2021: 98-111.
13 Behreandt, Dennis. "The War on Hydroxychloroquine." TNA 20 Jul. 2020: 9-15; Grant, William B et al. Stealth Strategies to Stop COVID Cold. Schaumberg, Ill.: StopCOVIDCold, 2020; A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment: Step-by-Step Doctors' Plan That Could Save Your Life. Ed. Dr. Jane M. Orient and Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet. Tucson, Ariz.: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 2020; Levy, Dr. Thomas E. Rapid Virus Recovery. Henderson, Nev.: MedFox Publishing, 2021; Mercola and Cummins, op. cit., passim.
14 Behreandt, op. cit.; Young, James Harvey. The Toadstool Millionaires: A Social History of Patent Medicines in America Before Federal Regulation. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1961: Ch. 12.
15 Vliet. "The 'Experts' Are Wrong -- Really!" USAT Magazine 1 Nov. 2020: 56-57.
16 AD No. 224n16 (April 13, 2020); AD No. 227n13 (July 29, 2020); Mercola and Cummins, op. cit., 98-106.
17 Curtin, Kevin. "P-MRC Acquires 50% Stake in SXSW." AC 23 Apr. 2021: 15; Hawkins, Lori, and Kara Carlson. "SXSW Sells 50% Stake to Penske Media." AAS 20 Apr. 2021: 1A+.
18 Clark-Madison, Mike. "More Than We Could Imagine." AC 23 Apr. 2021: 8+.
19 Moreno-Lozano, Luz. "New Official Will Work to Prevent Displacement." AAS 16 Apr. 2021: 1-2B.
20 Barbaro, Nick. "Heads Up, Pandemic Parents." AC 7 Aug. 2020: 8.
21 Price, Asher, and Sarah Asch. "Austin School District to Cut Jobs." AAS 7 Mar. 2021: 1B+.
22 Jankowski, Philip. "Water Officials Feared Sparking Panic Before Outage." AAS 5 Mar. 2021: 1-2B.
23 Chesler, Phyllis. A Politically Incorrect Feminist: Creating a Movement With Bitches, Lunatics, Dykes, Prodigies, Warriors, and Wonder Women. New York City: St. Martin's Press, 2018: 32.
24 The Candidate. Redford-Ritchie Productions/Wildwood Enterprises, 1972; Reds. Barclays Mercantile Industrial Finance/JRS Productions/Paramount Pictures, 1981.
25 Alter, Jonathan. "All Grown Up and Nowhere to Go." Esquire May 1991: 102.
26 Carlson. "NI Investing in Autonomous Tech." AAS 5 May 2021: 7-8B.
27 Begley, Dug. "NTSB: Man in Driver's Seat Before Tesla Crash." Courier of Montgomery County 13 May 2021: A1.
28 AD No. 49n9 (Mar. 23, 2003); "Big Three Automakers." The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law, 43rd rev. ed. Ed. Darrell Christian, Sally Jacobsen, and David Minthorn. New York City: Basic Books, 2009: 38; Weaver, Paul H. The Suicidal Corporation: How Big Business Fails America. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 1988: Ch. 2-6, 12, 15.
29 "Industry News." MMR 19 Apr. 2021: 1.
30 Anderson, Will. "What's in a Stadium Name?" ABJ 23 Apr. 2021: B3; McCormick, Bret, and Will Anderson. "Local Restaurants Tapped by Austin FC." ABJ 9 Apr. 2021: 9.
31 "TxDOT Vehicle Part of Crash." AAS 29 Apr. 2021: 1B.
32 Moreno-Lozano. "New Supportive Housing Project Going Up in North Austin." AAS 1 Apr. 2021: 1-2B; Oldman, Iain. "3 Projects Underway in Northwest Austin to House City's Homeless." CIN 24 Apr. 2021, Northwest Austin ed.: 1+.
33 Sealover, Ed. "Punch Bowl Social Working Through Bankruptcy With Austin-Based Owner." ABJ 7 May 2021: 3.
34 "Now Open." CIN Mar. 2021, Northwest Austin ed.: 6; "Now Open." CIN Apr. 2021, Northwest Austin ed.: 6; "Now Open." CIN May 2021, Northwest Austin ed.: 6